Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who Else Wants Skin Elastin of a 20 Year Old, Regardless of Your Age, from a Wrinkle Cream?

Having beautiful, smooth and firm skin allows one to feel good about their appearance and have a healthy self-image - qualities that help people live better, longer. To this end, biochemist Dr Chantal Burnison designed the breakthrough ingredient Ethocyn, used in the finest wrinkle creams today.
As confirmed by eminent M.D. and skin physiologist Dr. Peter T. Pugliese, "The single most important cause of age related skin wrinkles and sagging is the loss of skin elastin fibers. Everyone, whether female or male, will begin to lose skin elastin fibers at age 25. Elastin fibers are the restorative force in the skin."

Elastin gives the skin resiliency and the ability to stretch and snap back into shape, much like a rubber band. When we are young, our skin has high levels of elastin - on average, 14-18 percent. As we age, our elastin levels naturally decrease. Clinical trials confirm that in patients 40 years and older elastin levels drop to as low as .1% and on average are in the 9% range. For this reason, after the age of 25-30, our resilient and taut skin gives way to sagging and wrinkling.

Click here to read the whole article on my "Wrinkle Cream, Wrinkle Creams" blog.

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Monday, July 28, 2008

Proven most effective Wrinkle Cream among Wrinkle Creams

"The fountain of youth in a bottle"
-Hard Copy
Investigative News Report

"What’s in this little bottle could
turn back the hands of time"
-FOX-LV (Channel 5)
Television News Report

These are just a couple of the press release headlines on this amazing new wrinkle cream.

The single most important cause of age related wrinkles is the loss of skin elastin fibers, everyone whether female or male will begin to lose skin elastin fibers at age 25. Elastin fibers are the restorative force on the skin. Only one product in the world can restore your elastin level to that of 20 year old skin: Wrinkle creams with the newly discovered Ethocyn.

$20 million of Research & Development Studies confirm Ethocyn’s demonstrated & clinically proven (p=.001) efficacy, proving the elastin restorative properties of wrinkle creams with Ethocyn.

Richard A. Strick, M.D. Clinical Prof. of Dermatology UCLA School of Medicine states “Medically proven (p=.001) that Ethocyn gives you the important skin elastin fiber content of a 20 year old skin.”

Look for the more detailed article to be posted on my "Wrinkle Cream, Wrinkle Creams" blog in the next day, along with detailed photos & studies. Click on the "Click Here to Find Everything" link on the right side of this webpage, then click on the "Wrinkle Cream, Wrinkle Creams" link.

You can also read clinical studies, research & developments plus testimonials & much more about the amazing wrinkle cream Ethocyn, at the "Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Minutes" link after clicking on the "Click Here to Find Everything" link

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wrinkles Gone?

Check out the picture I just posted on my "wrinkle cream, wrinkle creams" blog.

Click on the "Click here to find everything" link on the right side of this page, then click on the "Wrinkle cream, Wrinkle creams" link.

You will be amazed!

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life, Use it Wisely!

When you take into consideration all the seemingly unrelated choices you make every day & how they actually combine to have a cumulative & exponential effect on your health & well being in the future, it becomes much easier to make positive choices.

Today it is very easy to become confused on how to go about staying healthy.

The approach I use is extremely simple, because the body has the capabilities to heal itself if given the right building blocks. Look how a cut heals that is cleaned & kept sanitary, compared to one that is left untreated.

I have seen time after time someone with multiple illnesses begin to heal after they go through a deep cleansing & detoxification process coupled with proper nutrition, supplementation of nutrients, vitamins, & especially macro & micro minerals.

According to Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg, de-generative diseases (attributed to aging all along), such as: Cancer, Osteoporosis, Heart disease, and other ailments such as Allergies, Kidney Stones and Gallstones have all been scientifically linked to acid! Acidosis (overly acidic body) is the primary indicator of Calcium Deficiency Disease. Scientists have discovered that the body fluids of healthy people are alkaline (high pH) whereas the body fluids of sick people are acidic (low pH).

Because not all calcium is absorbed & utilized the same we will explore these discoveries in later articles.

I will leave you with this thought from:

Louis Pasteur....

"The germ is nothing--the inner environment is everything."

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to avoid the #3 killer in the US

Could the deaths of a quarter of a million people per year in the U.S. alone be one of the causes for the growing trend of people seeking out holistic healing, natural remedies & alternative medicine?

Read my entire article to discover the statistics given by The Journal of the American Medical Association, they are staggering. Find out why half the population choose some form of Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies or Alternative Medicine.

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

P.S. Click here to read the rest of my article on the growing trend of Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine

Skeptics, Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine?

Because I do a lot of research as a Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant, I read a lot of information that is also very counter productive & downright inaccurate. After reading an article on a high ranking skeptic site just now, I was shocked at the way information was being manipulated.

You must research everything, because You only get one body & one life. Your choices today predetermine your health & well being in the future.

This article made it sound like there is no science behind Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine. I guess they don't realize many medicines contain isolated elements that were found in plants, then reproduced in labs.

I am putting together a very informative article on holistic healing, natural remedies & alternative medicine to help counter information that is circulating that is based on a very slanted viewpoint.

Because of the personal tragedies in my own life I learned many years ago to take responsibility for my own body, life & choices. I research information & then I research the source of the information before I personally test any holistic healing method, natural remedies or alternative medicine.

I am experiencing the highest level of health & well being I have experienced in the last 4 decades.

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant
Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies, Alternative Medicine

Did you know that the three most
difficult things to say are:
I love you, I'm Sorry and Help me.

Have the Courage,

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Enjoy the Sunset from Singer Island

I just wanted to share this amazing sunset.

Have a satisfying evening,

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

P.S. Consume beauty & goodness, because we are what we consume!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine Post

I will be posting a very good article on my Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine Blog.

It is called "The 2 things that have a 72% Influence Factor on Your Health & Well Being".

Imagine a line with premature death at the far left end. Now look to the far right end & you will see the highest level of health & well being possible. The center of the line is the lack of apparent disease. Now as you look at the line put all levels of illness to the left of the center, placed on the line by severity of illness. The right half of the line illustrates that even though you may not see or feel any illness; there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Where are you on this line? Where do you want to be? When are you going to begin?

To read the rest click the "Click Here to Find Everything" link at the lower right side of this page. Then click "Holistic Healing, Natural Remedies & Alternative Medicine". Then bookmark it for easy access.

Reach for the Stars,

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

P.S. Go to "Click Here to Find Everything" now

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I am changing the appearance & structuring of my web pages. This will be my new main page that you can link to other pages from. It will be more general & then each link will take you to a more specific topic of interest. Thanks for your patience.


Sherrie Chastain
Health Care Consultant