When you take into consideration all the seemingly unrelated choices you make every day & how they actually combine to have a cumulative & exponential effect on your health & well being in the future, it becomes much easier to make positive choices.
Today it is very easy to become confused on how to go about staying healthy.
The approach I use is extremely simple, because the body has the capabilities to heal itself if given the right building blocks. Look how a cut heals that is cleaned & kept sanitary, compared to one that is left untreated.
I have seen time after time someone with multiple illnesses begin to heal after they go through a deep cleansing & detoxification process coupled with proper nutrition, supplementation of nutrients, vitamins, & especially macro & micro minerals.
According to Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg, de-generative diseases (attributed to aging all along), such as: Cancer, Osteoporosis, Heart disease, and other ailments such as Allergies, Kidney Stones and Gallstones have all been scientifically linked to acid! Acidosis (overly acidic body) is the primary indicator of Calcium Deficiency Disease. Scientists have discovered that the body fluids of healthy people are alkaline (high pH) whereas the body fluids of sick people are acidic (low pH).
Because not all calcium is absorbed & utilized the same we will explore these discoveries in later articles.
I will leave you with this thought from:
Louis Pasteur....
"The germ is nothing--the inner environment is everything."
Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant