"The fountain of youth in a bottle"
-Hard Copy
Investigative News Report
"What’s in this little bottle could
turn back the hands of time"
-FOX-LV (Channel 5)
Television News Report
These are just a couple of the press release headlines on this amazing new wrinkle cream.
The single most important cause of age related wrinkles is the loss of skin elastin fibers, everyone whether female or male will begin to lose skin elastin fibers at age 25. Elastin fibers are the restorative force on the skin. Only one product in the world can restore your elastin level to that of 20 year old skin: Wrinkle creams with the newly discovered Ethocyn.
$20 million of Research & Development Studies confirm Ethocyn’s demonstrated & clinically proven (p=.001) efficacy, proving the elastin restorative properties of wrinkle creams with Ethocyn.
Richard A. Strick, M.D. Clinical Prof. of Dermatology UCLA School of Medicine states “Medically proven (p=.001) that Ethocyn gives you the important skin elastin fiber content of a 20 year old skin.”
Look for the more detailed article to be posted on my "Wrinkle Cream, Wrinkle Creams" blog in the next day, along with detailed photos & studies. Click on the "Click Here to Find Everything" link on the right side of this webpage, then click on the "Wrinkle Cream, Wrinkle Creams" link.
You can also read clinical studies, research & developments plus testimonials & much more about the amazing wrinkle cream Ethocyn, at the "Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Minutes" link after clicking on the "Click Here to Find Everything" link
Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant