Bernie Mac was a brilliant comedian. At the young age of 50, Bernie Mac joins the many other celebrities who have died while being treated with conventional pharmaceuticals or chemotherapy.
Bernie Mac died of pneumonia which is an infection that fails to be properly handled by the body's immune system. Bernie Mac's immune system, was suppressed by pharmaceuticals due to treatments for an autoimmune disorder he was previously diagnosed with, called Sarcoidosis.
The most common treatments for Sarcoidosis are steroids (like Prednisone) or immune
system suppressants like Methotrexate. Bernie Mac was described as having his Sarcoidosis go into remission (conventional medicine's word for masking symptoms with dangerous chemicals while ignoring the underlying cause of the disease) following his treatment with one or both of these pharmaceuticals.
Sarcoidosis is really an imbalanced immune system almost always caused by dietary imbalances and exposure to toxic chemicals through processed foods, pharmaceuticals, personal care products and the many other environmental sources (cleaning products and pesticides).
Have you noticed how many new diseases we have now. They are mostly just names for the same thing, over toxicity of the body and a total lack of the nutrients and minerals needed for optimum health.
So since Bernie Mac's symptoms were treated instead of the underlying cause, he was pumped full of drugs that suppressed his immune system. Then with his immunity so low he was able to contract pneumonia like so many people do now days in hospitals. Because of his low immunity plus no nutrient or mineral replacement, he was unable to fight off the pneumonia.
So what should Bernie Mac have done instead?
It's simple: Visit a naturopath, get off all the chemicals and medications, eliminate all the junk from his diet (processed foods, etc.) and transition to a mostly plant-based diet rich in superfoods and living foods. His lung condition would have disappeared and his immune system would have been strong enough to withstand infections.
Prevention is truly worth a pound of cure. Sadly neither prevention nor cure are available with modern medicine.
Have you ever asked yourself with the advances in technology today, why are so many of us sick?
Bernie Mac you will be missed!!
Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Health Care Consultant
P.S. He was only 50. Will you be next?