Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Toxins Everywhere

We are exposed to toxins we were never designed
to deal with-and nearly all of them cause brain

A recent study of umbilical cord blood found 287
toxic chemicals, 217 of which are toxic to the
brain and nervous system. And that is what
infants are exposed to even before they take
their first breath. These toxins include
mercury, lead, PCBs, BPA, phthalates,
plasticizers, flame retardants and more.

There are 6 million pounds of mercury emissions
from coal burning every year and 2.5 billion
pounds of toxic chemicals released into the
environment every year. Where does it all go?

At least some of it gets into your body-and your

In fact, a recent government survey found an
average of 148 chemicals in our bodies. And
those were only the ones they tested.

Did you know that 25 percent of New Yorkers have
toxic blood levels of mercury from eating too
much sushi?

Or that 15 percent of American women of child-
bearing age have toxic levels of mercury in
their blood? That means that 15 percent of
the 4 million children born in the United States
each year, or 600,000 children, are exposed to
toxic levels of mercury in the womb.

And then there are the 3,500 different chemicals
that are added to our food, and the more than
3,000 chemicals found in our homes.

This is why detoxification is so vital to your health.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant

P.S. email helpshere@gmail.com for info on the safest and most effective cleanse I have tested

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where there is a Will there is a Way

"If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way."

Dr. Jane Goodall (1934 – )
British primatologist

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant
Internet Marketing Agencies Strategies

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mind is a Wonderful Thing

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Napoleon Hill (1883–1970)

Because I have been working on so many projects lately I haven't been able to update this one. I want to catch you up on the latest news.

I am currently building websites and handling marketing and advertising for some new and exciting clients.

I built and manage the website and donated it to a non-profit organization called World Harvest Missions Outreach who takes God's Love to the Remote villages of Haiti bringing food and medical supplies. Visit here for graphic photos taken in Haiti by volunteers on a Christian Mission trip to Haiti organized by Miriam Frederick the founder and director of World Harvest Missions Outreach plus all Haiti latest news is updated daily.

I also built and manage the website for their Haiti Orphanage New life Childrens Home that cares for over 100 abandoned or homeless children in Haiti.

Because of this recent exposure to the problems and tragedy in Haiti I am starting a new company with some other concerned people that want to make a difference in the future of Haiti.

Our goal is to distribute portable personal water purification devices to combat the high death rate from water borne disease, especially in children.

The campaign is set up around a cost of 4 pennies a day for a child and 7 pennies a day for an adult. We are looking for people that would like to join the project and help save lives.

Information on this "Clean Water Project for Haiti" visit World Harvest Missions Outreach.

I will be adding additional photos to the online gallery in the next few days. We are also processing some footage recently taken on a Christian Mission Trip to Haiti.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant
Anti-Aging and Preventative Health

P.S. There is lots of good info on dogs and puppies at www puppies


Monday, December 8, 2008

How Long Will You Live?

I recently posted an article on another one of my blogs about the world's oldest documented man. Go here to hear the story of the world's oldest man for yourself.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty consultant

Friday, December 5, 2008

Reputation - Think About It

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation
and five minutes to ruin it. If you think
about that, you'll do things differently."

Warren Buffett

This is one of the most profound statements
I have ever heard. Think about this one for
a while, it can only help you.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant